as of May 22, 2001)
Section 1: Name: This organization shall be known as The
Society for Siberian Irises (SSI).
Section 2: Affiliation: The SSI is a section of The American Iris
Society (AIS).
Section 1: Purposes:
The purposes of the SSI shall be to develop the science of horticulture
and activities related to the study, propagation, and culture of the Siberian
irises, and hybrids involving them; to stimulate and foster interest in the
conservation and protection of these plants; to cooperate with other
organizations, public and private, in the scientific and horticultural
education of all those interested in learning any phase of the Siberian irises,
by any means consistent with these Bylaws.
These shall include, but are not limited to:
Encouragement and support of scientific research regarding the Siberian
irises, including, but not necessarily exclusively, the management of pests and
diseases related to the Siberian irises;
Investigation and conservation of the Siberian irises in the wild;
Collection, compilation, and publication of data concerning the history,
classification, breeding and culture of the Siberian irises;
Education of the public through exhibitions, public display gardens,
published standards for judging, and local, area, regional and national
meetings open to the public; and
Furtherance of the endeavors of The AIS.
Section 2: Definition: By Siberian Irises is meant irises of series Sibiricae
(classifications of Lawrence and Rodionenko) including both the 28 chromosome
species of Europe and Asia and the 40 chromosome species of Asia.
Section 3: Organization and Operation. The SSI shall be organized and operated
exclusively for educational and scientific purposes within the meaning of
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 4: Prohibited Activities.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bylaws, the SSI shall not
carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an
organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are
deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(b) No
substantial part of the activities of the SSI shall consist of carrying on
propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Section
shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign, including
publication or distribution of statements on behalf of any candidate for public
Section 5: Inurement of Income: No part of the net earnings of the SSI shall
be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons,
except that the organization is authorized to pay reasonable compensation for
goods and/or services rendered in furtherance of the objectives of the SSI.
Section 1: In the event of dissolution of the SSI,
after paying or adequately providing for its debts and obligations, the Section
President and Treasurer shall distribute all assets of the SSI to The AIS or to
such organizations as are qualified as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provisions of a future Internal
Revenue Law.
Section 2: Any such assets not so disposed of shall
be disposed of by a court having jurisdiction for such purposes in the county
in which the principal office of the organization is then located for such
purpose or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine,
which are organized exclusively for such purpose.
The SSI shall represent in dealings with
third parties that The AIS is not responsible for section obligations.
Section 1: The Bylaws of The American Iris Society
pertaining to membership in its Sections shall be applicable to membership in
Section 2: The classes of membership in SSI shall be
as follows:
(a) Regular membership
(b) Family membership
(c) Supporting membership
(d) Triennial memberships of any of the above
(e) Life membership
Corresponding membership. The
Board of Directors, hereafter referred to as the Board, may appoint as
corresponding members any persons, especially residents of countries other than
Canada and the United States, selected for the interchange of information of
value to SSI or to such persons.
Corresponding members do not pay dues.
Honorary membership. The Board
may grant honorary membership to any person in recognition of distinguished
service in the field of SSI's activities.
Honorary members do not pay dues.
Changes in classes and new classes of membership may be made by the
Board consistent with policy of The American Iris Society.
Anyone who is a member in good standing of The American Iris Society and
who has paid dues for the current year required for regular, family or
supporting membership in SSI shall be considered a member of that class. Such members and life members are entitled to
hold office in SSI. Members of all
classes are entitled to vote.
Section 3: All persons who became members of SSI
during the calendar year 1960 shall be designated as charter members.
Section 4: The amount of dues and the fiscal year of
membership shall be fixed by the Board from time to time as the needs of SSI
may require.
Section 5: Applications for membership shall be
forwarded to the Treasurer and on receipt of dues the Treasurer will place the
name of the applicant on the roll of members.
If the Treasurer has any question regarding the eligibility of any
candidate he may refer the application to the Board for decision. A member may be dropped from the roll by the
Board if such action is deemed by them to be in the best interest of SSI.
Section 1: SSI shall be managed by a Board of
Directors all members of which shall be regular, family, supporting or life
members of SSI. The Board shall consist
of the President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and
five additional members, who shall be elected by the membership as hereinafter
provided. Elections shall be held
annually. All terms, including that of
the President, shall be for three years beginning on January 1 and continuing
until successors take office. The
President and First Vice President shall serve only one term and other elected
officers and directors, except the Secretary and Treasurer, not more than three
terms following adoption of these Bylaws without interruption of service for at
least two years.
Section 2: The Editor, the representative to the Bulletin
of The American Iris Society, and the immediate past President shall be
members of the Board ex-officio if they are not elected members
thereof. The Editor shall have voting
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall consist of
the President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 4: A simple majority of the Board or
Executive Committee members present in person or by proxy at meetings of those
bodies shall constitute a quorum of the Board or of the Executive Committee for
all purposes. The Board and the
Executive Committee may make such other rules and regulations covering their
meetings as they may deem necessary.
Section 5: Special or regular meetings of the Board
or of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President whenever he
deems them necessary or whenever he is called upon to do so by a majority of
the Board or the Committee.
Section 6: Subject to the direction and control of
the Board, between meetings of the Board the Executive Committee shall have
general direction of the management and operation of the Society, and exercise
all the powers and perform all the duties of the Board provided by law or under
these Bylaws except for the following which are reserved to the Board:
Removing members from the rolls other than for resignation, nonpayment
of dues or lapse of membership in The American Iris Society.
Other disciplinary action.
Creating and granting honors, awards and honorary and corresponding
Filling vacancies in elective offices.
Section 7: In the intervals between meetings of the
Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, the President may refer and
submit by mail, telephone or appropriate electronic means to all the members of
the Board or Committee definite questions relating to affairs of SSI which, in
the opinion of the President, require action by the Board or Committee. The result of such referendum, which shall
require a majority vote of the Board or Committee, shall constitute valid
action by the Board or Committee.
Section 1: The officers of the Society shall be
President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2: The officers shall perform the duties
which are usually performed by such officers and such duties as may be assigned
to them by the Board. The Secretary
shall maintain a current list of members of all classes. The Treasurer shall submit an annual report
of the financial position of SSI for publication in the fall issue of the
Society's publication and at such other times as the President and Board may
Section 3: Except as otherwise prescribed by these
Bylaws, the President shall appoint all committees and designate their
chairmen. He shall be a member ex-officio
of all committees.
Section 4: The First Vice President shall
automatically become President upon expiration of the latter's term. This provision shall apply to a First Vice
President who has been elected to a regular term or has been appointed to fill
a vacancy in the post of the First Vice President or has assumed the duties of
the President because of a vacancy in that office. It shall apply to a Second Vice President who
has been appointed to the office of First Vice President to fill a vacancy in
that office; but otherwise the Second Vice President does not normally succeed
directly to the office of First Vice President.
Section 5: The Board may appoint such other officers
as may be deemed expedient. Such
officers shall perform the duties assigned by the Board and hold office during
the pleasure of the Board subject to the provisions of Article VI. At the discretion of the Board, such officers
may be ex-officio members of the Board and Executive Committee.
Section 1: There shall be standing committees concerned
with the following activities: display
gardens, elections, nominations, pollen and seed supply, publications,
registrations and awards, research, robins and slides. Additional standing or special committees may
be established by authorization of the Board or Executive Committee and
existing ones may be discontinued in like manner if found to be unnecessary.
Section 2: The Display Garden Committee shall be
responsible for the display garden program of SSI. It shall recommend to the Board any gardens to
be added to or deleted from the list of those recognized by SSI.
Section 3: The Elections Committee shall consist of
the most recent past President as Chairman, and past Secretary who are members
of SSI and are willing and able to serve.
This committee shall conduct any elections which are required as noted
in Article X, Sections 2 and 3 of these
Bylaws. In the event of a vacancy on
this committee, a replacement shall be made by the Board.
Section 4: The Finance Committee: The Executive Committee shall serve as the
Finance Committee (see Article XI, Section 4.)
Section 5: The Nominating Committee shall consist of
the First Vice President as Chairman, the last past President who is a member
of SSI and willing and able to act, the two other members of SSI appointed by
the Board. These latter members shall
not be members of the Board and shall live in parts of the United States and
Canada not represented by other members of the committee. If a past President cannot act, the Board
shall appoint three members. This
committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for the various elective positions
as prescribed in Article XI, Section 1.
In the selection of nominees, the committee shall aim to obtain a broad
geographic representation, the presence on the Board of members not less than
half of whom have served previously, and at least one new member who has not
previously served on the Board.
Section 6: The Pollen and Seed Supply Committee shall
provide information as required by members of SSI and others regarding pollen
and seeds of Siberian irises and hybrids and shall maintain a supply of seeds
for distribution. A fee for pollen and
seeds may be charged as authorized by the Board.
Section 7: Publications Committee. The President, upon taking office, shall
designate an Editor who shall be chairman of the Publications Committee and who
may appoint to it such members as he shall wish. The President shall also designate a
representative of SSI to the Bulletin of The American Iris Society who
shall also be a member of the Publications Committee. The Publications Committee shall advise and
assist the Editor of The Siberian Iris and other official publications
of SSI and, subject to the Board, be responsible for the publication policy and
program of SSI. In consultation with the
Chairman of the Publications Committee, the President shall appoint a
subcommittee to be responsible for the Check List of Siberian Irises
published by SSI from time to time.
Section 8: The Registrations and Awards Committee shall
keep a record of all registrations and introductions of and awards to Siberian
irises and hybrids involving them and provide copies to the Secretary for the
permanent files and to the Editor of The Siberian Iris and the Chairman
of the Check List subcommittee. The
committee shall study the existing registration and awards system of The
American Iris Society and submit recommendations from time to time for such
changes in or extension of this system as they believe will stimulate the
improvement and distribution of Siberian irises.
Section 9: The Research Committee shall be concerned
with scientific aspects of Siberian irises.
It shall conduct research and encourage and aid members engaged in
scientific investigations of breeding, culture, classification and other
studies related to Siberian irises.
Section 10: The Robin Committee shall encourage the
circulation of Robin letters and shall extract from them such material as may
be worthy of publication and shall send such extracts to SSI's Editor and to the
appropriate editor of the Bulletin of The American Iris Society.
Section 11: The Slide Committee shall maintain, keep up
to date, and distribute sets of slides and related material for use at meetings
of SSI and of other organizations and groups.
Section 1: An annual meeting of SSI shall be held at
the time and place of the national convention of The American Iris Society or
at such other time and place as the Board may designate. Special meetings may be called at the discretion
of the Board. The President shall call a
special meeting upon the request in writing of one-tenth of the membership
addressed to the Secretary, but not more than one such meeting shall be called
in one calendar year. Notice of annual
and special meetings shall be mailed either by letter or by means of a regular
publication of SSI to the last known address of each member in the records of
the Secretary at least fifteen days prior to the date of the meeting. Those members present shall constitute a quorum
of all purposes of such meetings.
Section 2: At any such annual or special meeting
final action shall be taken only on business included in the written notice of
the meeting. Other items of business
shall be presented for discussion and referral for consideration and action by
the Board.
Section 3: The business of the Society may be
conducted at any annual or special meeting provided that the business to be
acted upon shall be stated in the notice of the meeting. Any business requiring action by the members
may also be conducted by mail, either by letter or a regular publication of SSI
at the discretion of the Board. The
procedure for the conduct of such business shall be determined by the Board
except for procedures prescribed by these Bylaws. In any such mail poll a simple majority of
all returned ballots in favor of the action moved shall have the same effect as
though the question had been voted on at a meeting.
Section 1: If there has been no election of officers
and Board members at an annual or a special meeting of SSI, the report of the
Nominating Committee containing the list of proposed candidates shall be mailed
to the members not later than November 15 of each election year either by letter
or by means of a regular publication of SSI.
If no additional nominations are made under the procedure hereinafter
set forth within four weeks of date when the report was mailed, the slate
proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be considered elected.
Section 2: After the report of the Nominating
Committee has been mailed, additional nominations may be made by eight members
of SSI acting in concert. Such
nominations shall be in writing signed by nominating members and filed with the
Chairman of the Elections Committee not later than four weeks after the date
when the report of the Nominating Committee was mailed, together with a letter
of consent to such nomination signed by the person nominated. If such additional nominations are made, the
Elections Committee shall prepare a ballot including all nominations and
designating those which were made by the Nominating Committee. The ballot shall be mailed to all voting
members not later than January 15 with
instructions for voting by mail.
Ballots shall be returned to the chairman of the Elections Committee not
later than February 1.
Section 3: The Elections Committee shall tabulate the
returns and inform the Secretary of the results of the election. The membership shall be informed of the results
either by letter or in the next issue of a regular publication of SSI.
Section 4: In the event that the procedure described
in Sections 2 and 3 above leaves the results of the election uncertain after
January 1, the current officers and other members of the Board shall remain in
office until replaced by their successors.
Section 5: In case of a vacancy in any elective
office on the Board, the Board shall have the power to fill such vacancy for
the unexpired term.
Section 1: The Treasurer with the approval of the
Executive Committee shall decide the official depository for funds of SSI and
shall sign all checks.
Section 2: Revenue from sources other than dues may
be raised as recommended by the Board and used for meeting expenses of SSI.
Section 3: Debts for non-budgeted items shall not be
incurred by any officer or committee of SSI unless authorized by the Board.
Section 4: Each January the Executive Committee shall
prepare a budget of estimated income and expenses for submittal to the
Board. It shall submit such other
recommendations regarding finances as may be required by the Board, the
President or the Treasurer.
Section 5: The Treasurer shall be authorized to pay
bills incurred in accordance with the budget.
Bills for non-budgeted items amounting to more than $25.00 shall be
approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended at any annual
or special meeting of the membership by a simple majority vote of the members
of SSI present in person or by proxy, provided such amendments shall have been
submitted to the membership at least thirty days before the meeting.
Section 2: These Bylaws may also be amended by means
of a mail poll of members provided such amendment(s) shall have been mailed at
least 30 days before the date set for receipt of returned ballots. In any mail poll a simple majority vote of
all returned ballots in favor of such amendments shall have the same effect as
though the question had been voted on at a meeting.
Section 3: Any proposals for amendments presented for
vote by the membership shall either have been made by the Board or have been
mailed or delivered to the Secretary in writing signed by one-tenth of the
membership with a request that they be presented for a vote of the
membership. If any such proposals are
made the Board shall take such action as is required to have them properly
presented for a vote at an annual or special meeting or by means of a mail
poll, as it may decide.
Section 4: Any amendment to these Bylaws shall be in
conformity with rules of The American Iris Society with
regard to the Sections.